Heart Defect in Child

It can be frightening to learn that your child has a congenital heart defect (one that's present at birth). But congenital heart disease is a relatively common condition that affects almost 1 in every 100 newborns in the United States. Medical knowledge, technology, and experience can offer accurate diagnosis and treatments that allow nearly every form of congenital heart disease to be treated. Most defects today are treated with surgery, cathe


High blood pressure, also called hypertension, is a condition most often associated with adults. But kids can have high blood pressure too, even as infants. High Blood Pressure in Kids An estimated 3% of kids have high blood pressure. In babies, it's usually caused by prematurity or problems with the kidneys or heart. While hypertension is far more common among adults, the rate among kids is on the rise, a trend that experts link to the increa

Hereditary Hemochromatosis

Hereditary hemochromatosis is a genetic disease that causes the body to absorb and store too much iron. The condition gets its name from "hemo" for blood and "chroma" for color, referring to the characteristic bronze skin tone that iron overload can cause. Someone with hereditary hemochromatosis who has never taken an iron supplement could find out in later years that iron overload is causing serious health problems. Iron is a trace mineral tha

Heart Murmurs

Many parents fear the worst when their child is diagnosed with a heart murmur, but this diagnosis is actually extremely common. In fact, many kids are found to have a heart murmur at some point during their lives. Most murmurs are not a cause for concern and do not affect the child's health at all. What exactly is a heart murmur? By itself, the term heart murmur isn't a diagnosis of an illness or disorder. To better understand what it does mean